NewsAnnouncementStatementsInternational military cooprationArchivePhotoarchiveVideoarchive 29.07.2020.Minister Vulin: In terms of technology and the quality of their members, Air Force and Air Defence are in the same league as their counterparts around the world 29.07.2020 mp4 (247,5 MB)Minister Vulin's statement29.07.2020 mp4 (55,68 MB)The statement of Lieutenant Colonel Boško Šerbedžija29.07.2020 mp4 (55,67 MB) The statement of Cadet Dušan Tanasijević29.07.2020 mp4 (37,93 MB)The statement of Sara Nikolić29.07.2020 mp4 (556,85 MB)The tour NewsAnnouncementStatementsInternational military cooprationArchivePhotoarchiveVideoarchive