NewsAnnouncementStatementsInternational military cooprationArchivePhotoarchiveVideoarchive 14.06.2020.The President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces handed over military flags to the 72nd Special Operations Brigade and the 63rd Parachute Brigade14.06.2020 mp4 (355,59 MB)The address of the President and the Supreme Commander Vučić - Part 114.06.2020 mp4 (309,34 MB)The address of the President and the Supreme Commander Vučić - Part 214.06.2020 mp4 (132,33 MB)The address of Major General Ilija Todorov14.06.2020 mp4 (478,72 MB)Military flags handover ceremony in Takovo NewsAnnouncementStatementsInternational military cooprationArchivePhotoarchiveVideoarchive