NewsAnnouncementStatementsInternational military cooprationArchivePhotoarchiveVideoarchive 04.05.2020.Minister Vulin: Future pilots and students in the final year of the Secondary Vocational Military School did not interrupt their classes during the pandemic 04.05.2020 mp4 (81,29 MB)Minister Vulin's statement 04.05.2020 mp4 (98,25 MB)The statement of Major General Bojan Zrnić 04.05.2020 mp4 (33,21 MB)The statement of Cadet Dušan Tanasijević04.05.2020 mp4 (26,28 MB)The statement of Student Božidar Mitrić04.05.2020 mp4 (143,59 MB)Video clip 5 NewsAnnouncementStatementsInternational military cooprationArchivePhotoarchiveVideoarchive