Seminar on the work of the Personnel Service
The gathering was opened by Milos Jankovic, Acting Assistant Minister for Human Resources, who congratulated those present on the Day of the Personnel Service and underlined the importance of such seminars, in which good solutions were proposed through interactive approach based on the experience and a better analysis from the perspective of everyday work in the system.
- I am sure that the plenum and the workshops will identify significant moments and problems in the functioning of the most important resources of the defence system, human resources, or people, the Assistant Minister said announcing a series of legislative novelties. In this regard he particularly emphasized the Law on Military Education, which is under public debate and should bring a significant step forward in the area it governs.
In his opening address, Brigadier General Dragosav Lackovic, Head of the Personnel Department, said that the seminar, which is of thematic and expert character, has already been a traditional gathering and introduced the participants to the topic how human resources management in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces looks like today and what are the guidelines for the work in this area in the future.
The seminar involves 110 persons from the organizational units of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, members of the personnel service, and the lecturers are representatives of the Personnel Department and the Division for the development of psychological activities of the Human Resources Sector.
Through an interactive approach, they address important issues including the issues related to the admission of civilians into the service or defining a single procedure and admission procedure. Consideration of all topics will be a concrete contribution to building a more efficient system of human resources management in the defence system.