Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Defence Minister received family of Tijana Bogdanovic

Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic received today Tijana Bogdanović, a member of Taekwondo national team of Serbia, who won the silver medal at the Olympic Games in Rio. She was accompanied by her parents, sisters, a brother and coach Dragan Jovic. The Minister congratulated our national team member on winning the silver medal and wished her every success and happiness in her future sporting career.

- Your silver medal is gold for us and you proved that Serbia is a country of brilliant athletes. We are truly proud of the result you achieved. In the strong competition silver medal is a great achievement and I am fully convinced that in the future you will bring new golden medals. I am convinced that at the next Olympics already our national anthem will be listened to, the defence minister said to our athlete and added that it is now most important to develop a winning spirit which the opponents will be "afraid of".

In conversation with Tijana’s coach, Minister Djordjevic inquired about the conditions in which our taekwondo competitors are practicing. He praised the previous work in the national team and wished them to continue working well and diligently as before.

- The practice of martial arts is very important, not only for the military but also for the whole society, just as the practice of sport in general is. Because of this, the company pays attention to the best athletes and we will try to include taekwondo in the training programme of our members, just as judo and karate are. I sincerely hope that as early as in the next year the training programme will include also the archery and clay pigeon shooting, since these Olympic sports are related to the military and military training, Minister Djordjevic said in his conversation with family of Tijana Bogdanovic.

Thanking the Minister for the reception, Tijana's father Bratislav, who is Lieutenant Colonel of the Serbian Armed Forces, said that the practice of sport in his family is something that is inherited, and that they can only expect another medals from Tijana.

Last week, at the headquarters of the Air Force and Air Defence, a reception was also prepared for the silver volleyball player from Rio, Bianca Busa, who is also the daughter of a member of the Serbian Armed Forces and who will be received next by Minister Djordjevic.