Anti-terrorist exercise of the Serbian and Serb Republic police units
Before the top state officials of Serbia and the Serb Republic, headed by presidents Tomislav Nikolic and Milorad Dodik, through 12 working points, members of the two police forces have shown strength and training level in the fight against terrorism, and readiness to respond to the hostage crises and all security challenges.
The exercise was attended also by Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic, Lieutenant General Jovica Draganic, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, with members of the two collegiums, the ministers in the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Serb Republic, members of parliament, representatives of public, cultural and religious life.
Tactical scenario of the exercise "Drina 2016" was a situation in which 17 terrorists seized a border crossing and took hostages, with the
Thousands of spectators saw an uncompromising response of the executive authorities to the terrorist threat, so that anti-terrorist units, with the support of armoured fighting vehicles, helicopters and combat boats, neutralized the terrorist group.
After reviewing the tactical-technical corps and lining up of the exercise participants, President Nikolic said that the exercise showed that the Drina River, just like any sea, must not to be a border in the fight against terrorism.
- Members of the Serbian and Serb Republic special police forces showed how they successfully cooperate, fully understand and complement each other, so that there is no common task that we cannot solve, the Serbian President said and, congratulating the members of the ministries of the interior of the Serb Republic and the Republic of Serbia on the successful activities, and evaluated exercise with a very good grade.
- The Republic of Serbia and the Serb Republic have shown to people today that they have qualified structures, ready to respond to any blow to our order, and the joint action has proved that there are no boundaries, as terrorism has no borders, President Dodik said expressing the hope that and in the future there will be opportunity for the joint demonstration of the capabilities of the two police forces.