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Serbian Armed Forces tank crew takes the fifth place in Tank Biathlon
According to the final results, Russia, Belarus, China and Kazakhstan qualified for the finals, and our team won the high fifth place.
According to Lieutenant Colonel Sasa Todorov. Serbian Armed Forces team leader for Tank Biathlon, Serbia won the fifth place in the competition among 17 countries that competed in the Tank Biathlon, and noted that today's race was very tense and exciting.
- The boys did their best even though we had problems with the materiel, the systems and the weapons. It showed that the race does not only depend on the team – gunner, commander and driver, but largely also on the materiel. Compared to the last year, this year it was of much lower serviceability so that due to failure on the materiel we had to introduce a reserve tank. I would like to congratulate the boys, especially on difficult and exhausting preparations, and then on everything they have shown here, Lieutenant Colonel Todorov said.
- Despite great enthusiasm, the team failed to qualify for the very much hoped finals in Tank Biathlon. Summing up, we took the fifth place in the competition among many great powers, and we were overpowered by the countries that competed in their tanks, with their equipment and ammunition, Major Djudjic said and noted that members of our military achieved the best result among the teams who tested their powers on Russian equipment.
The finals of the tank biathlon and the closing ceremony of the International Army Games on 13th August will be attended also by General Ljubisa Dikovic, Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff.
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