Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia


In Mionica near Valjevo, the jubilee 20th Misic's Days have been opened, at which members of the Serbian Armed Forces were awarded large plaques of Field Marshal Misic.

In the afternoon, wreaths were laid at the monument to Field Marshal Misic at the centre of Mionica, and then the military delegation, with the president of the municipality and other officials, visited Misic’s native house in Struganik, where a historic lesson dedicated to the famous Field Marshal was held.

The event dedicated to the great Serbian Field Marshal was officially opened in the evening by Boban Jankovic, President of the Mionica Municipality, who emphasized that the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, participating every year, make a significant contribution to the Misic’s days, the most important event of the Valjevo region.

Gold Plaque of Field Marshal Misic was presented this year to Major General Milomir Todorovic, Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard, and Lieutenant Colonel Nebojsa Dobrijevic, the first ranked in the 59th class of the General Staff Course of the School of National Defence.

The traditional seven-day event dedicated to the famous Field Marshal Zivojin Misic, is to be held until 22 July this year, with a rich cultural and artistic and sports programme. After laying wreaths at the monument to the famous Field Marshal and visiting his native home in Struganik, members of the Serbian Armed Forces with municipal officials visited the exhibition of sculptures by Zoran Ivanovic opened in the foyer of the Milan Rakic elementary school.

As part of the opening ceremony of the event, members of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard performed the known military drill, which caused an undivided delight of those present. Opening of the event was magnified by impressive and emotional performance of Ivana Zigon with "Stand imperial galleys". Due to bad weather conditions, Stanislav Binicki Artistic Ensemble and the choir did not perform in the event.