Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Central State Celebration of St. Vitus Day in Krusevac

President of the Republic of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic, accompanied by Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff General Dikovic and the Commander of the Training Command, Lieutenant-General Djokica Petrovic, has laid a wreath today, with the highest state and military honours, at the monument to Kosovo heroes in Krusevac, within the central event marking 627th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo and St. Vitus Day.

President Nikolic said that Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day) celebrations always provoke mixed feelings.

- One needs to congratulate someone on a holiday knowing that on that day something tragic happened in our history, which makes us proud at the same time. We are marking it with such mixed feelings, not celebrating it too much because of the large number of Serbian casualties. However, we have shown the courage that deserves international fame and it has not happened yet that I met an educated man anywhere in the world who never heard about the Battle of Kosovo, the President said, adding that St. Vitus Day feast and Krusevac are inextricably linked, what can be felt in the city which has been celebrating and lamenting today.

Marking the feast began with the holy liturgy in the church of St. Stephen in Krusevac, the endowment of Prince Lazar, then the procession continued through the city centre, with the participation of members of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence carrying a coffin with parts of the relics of Prince Lazar.
On the occasion of the 626th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo and the suffering of the Serbs and Prince Lazar in the battle against the Turkish army at Kosovo Polje in 1389, memorial service was served at the monument to Kosovo heroes in the centre of Krusevac for all Serbian victims from the Battle of Kosovo until today. The memorial service was administered by the Secretary of the Diocese of Krusevac-Father Dragi Veskovac.