Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Defence Minister meets Minister of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic and Defence Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina Marina Pendes discussed today the political and security situation in the region and the modalities of improving defence cooperation between the two countries.

Minister Djordjevic said that the defence cooperation is good and that it is a crown of good political and economic relations between the two countries. He pointed out that the Republic of Serbia strives to continuously improve the quality and develop relations in the field of defence with all countries, especially the countries of the region, as well as the international organizations, in accordance with the adopted principle of military neutrality. Djordjevic said that the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia will continue to actively participate in the regional security initiatives and organizations operating in the region of Southeast Europe.

Analyzing the political and security situation in the region, Djordjevic and Pendes agreed that contemporary security challenges, including the migrant crisis, impose the need for joint action and united response of the entire international community.

Minister Pendes agreed that the defence cooperation between the two countries is good and that it follows the overall bilateral relations. She particularly emphasized the importance of military-educational and military economic cooperation and emphasized the importance of a common European perspective of the Western Balkans, which provides a framework for improving relations in the region.

Minister of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina attended earlier today the final conference “Strengthening of Regional Cooperation on Gender Mainstreaming in Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans".