Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Marking the Day of Victory over Fascism

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic, accompanied by Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic and Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff General Ljubisa Dikovic, laid today a wreath at the Monument to the the Unknown Hero on Mt. Avala on the occasion of the Day of Victory over Fascism in the Second World War – 9th May.

The President wrote in the Book of Remembrance – Serbia, perhaps has more right than some other countries to celebrate this day as its own. All our battles, rebellions, insurrections, wars – were fought for the freedom of the country and the people. SO it was and so it will be. These are sons and daughters born in this Serbia of ours.

The civil ceremony of laying wreaths and honouring the Day of Victory over fascism in the Second World War was led by the Minister for Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Aleksandar Vulin, who laid a wreath and paid tribute at the Cemetery of the Liberators of Belgrade in the Second World War with state and military honours.

Wreaths were also laid by representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, Belgrade City, SUBNOR veterans’ association of Serbia, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps, associations and citizens.

The Victory Day is marked with numerous events in Serbia.