Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Exhibition at the Military Museum on the occasion of the Armed Forces Day

The exhibition entitled "Withdrawal through Albania and stay of the Serbian Army in Corfu", has been opened today at the Military Museum in Kalemegdan, by Minister of Defence Zoran Djordjevic. It is yet another in the series of programme events in which the MilitaryMuseum participates in the celebration of the centenary of the First World War.

The exhibition, organized on the occasion of the Serbian ArmedForces Day, is "signed" by the group of authors including a senior curator Ljubica Dabic and a curator Natasa Tomic. Through an abundance of material: art - historical objects, sculptures, paintings, drawings, photographic reproductions and original three-dimensional objects, the public was shown the richness of the Military Museum.

Opening the exhibition, Minister of Defence Zoran Djordjevic said that through the museum exhibits, keepers of our past, we have the opportunity to remember the warriors and the time in whichthe foundations of the freedom were laid.

- They keep the memory of the First World War, the Albanian Golgotha in particular, endless column of troops and civilians who walked through the snow and ice of the Albanian mountains, which was the entire state.

Djordjevic said that the first columns of Serbs landed at Corfu on 18 January 1916, but many of the victims in the long lines did not survive, as more than 240,000 of them remained on the path of death.

- One hundred years later, reviving part of the suffering of the brave and honourable people, we once again pay tribute to all the victims of this event, the Defence Ministersaid, adding that we must never forget those moments of the greatest atrocities of the Serbian people.

- We value and develop the heritage and tradition of the Serbian Army, because as long as our memory and memory of our descendants lasts, our brave heroes will live, Minister Djordjevic said.

Head of the Military Museum Colonel Dragan Radenkovic said that the exhibition includes three thematic sections –the first, referring to the exhausting withdrawal of the Serbian people and the army through Albania, the other dealing with the arrival and stay of the Serbian army in Corfu, while the third thematic unit is dedicated to the small uninhabited island of Vido where the soldiers, who were unable to recover, were buried.

The exhibition is open at the Gallery of the Military Museum in Kalemegdan every day except Monday from 10 am to 17 pmuntil 24 May 2016.