Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

State Secretary Nenad Neric visits "Yumco"

State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence Nenad Neric has visited today the Holding company "Yumco" cotton mill from Vranje, accompanied by commander of the 4th Army Brigade, Brigadier General Zoran Lubura, Chief of the General Logistics Department of the Material Resources Sector of the Ministry of Defence, Colonel Stale Staletovic, and Lieutenant Colonel Bratislav Despotovic from the Logistics Department of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff.

General Manager of the Company Goran Djordjevic and his associates conducted a tour of the production facilities of the factory – clothing, adjusting, processing, textile mill and the spinning mill, where the parts of M-10 camouflage military uniform are made.

After touring the production plants, the State Secretary was informed about the results that "Yumko" has achieved. They analysed the implementation of contracts concluded with the Serbian Armed Forces, primarily the last three ones, which were concluded late last year, and discussed future cooperation.

In his media statement, State Secretary Neric said:

- It is important that all the contracts concluded so far have been realized, that the contracts with the agreed deadlines are ongoing, and that they are being implemented at an accelerated pace. We hope that in the forthcoming period we are going to prepare everything what is necessary in order to implement also the drafted agreements for which we are prepared. Development of other activities will be according to the needs of the Serbian Armed Forces, i.e. the capabilities of "Yumco".

Director Djordjevic pointed out that during the last year, this factory in Vranje operated positively and recorded profit thanks to the contracts it has with the Ministry of Defence. Speaking about the degree of realization of the three agreements that were signed with the MoD late last year, the director said that each contract is respected as agreed – a hundred percent and on time and that he hopes there will be more new contracts.

The three contracts are related to the procurement of zero series of summer military camouflage pants, the procurement of parts of clothing equipment from the M-10 military camouflage uniform set, to form sets of uniforms to fill the war material reserves, and for procurement of M-10 military camouflage uniform sets for the members of the Armed Forces to be deployed in multinational operations. The contract for the purchase of the zero series of summer military camouflage pants has been realised. Delivery of M-10 military camouflage uniform sets for members of the Armed Forces to be deployed to the peacekeeping operations will begin next week, and the implementation of the third contract will be also ahead of schedule – on 7th July 2016.

In addition, this year, after making the Decision on acceptance of the zero series of summer military camouflage pants, it has been planned to contract their serial production, by which the Serbian Armed Forces would be equipped with summer pants for the first time in 25 years.
It should be noted that the support of the Ministry of Defence was the key to the survival of "Yumco", because the value of the contract for the procurement of M-10 military camouflage uniform concluded with the Ministry of Defence amounted to RSD 2,092,490,380.88 in the past six years.

During the visit to Vranje, the State Secretary visited the command of the 4th Army Brigade and viewed the Memorial Room of that unit.