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Marking the Day of the MMA Faculty of Medicine
Deputy Chief Colonel Prof. Dragan Dincic in his welcome address spoke about the specifics of the medical profession and stressed that the comfort and health is as important as science, culture, education, but it is still part of a special category, because it cannot be delayed.
- Everything can slow down or even stop for a moment, except for disease, which often comes suddenly and almost always unannounced – Prof. Dincic said and then spoke about patients, medical personnel sacrifice, their enthusiasm, but also on the problems of supply of medicines and medical movable assets.
He pointed out that the work of the institution is not based only on the enthusiasm of the employees, but also on the material support because, he said, even the greatest knowledge is not sufficient to remove and narrow the boundaries between health and illness.
- Medical professionals are optimistic according to their orientation, otherwise how would they work this difficult job. I am optimistic, too, because I believe in the real value of the MMA, I believe the MMA as a national asset, which by its strategic significance is far beyond the boundaries and personal preferences of any individual – the Deputy Chief of the MMA said at the meeting.
Colonel Prof. Jovic said that currently 33 scientific projects are being implemented, and that in the last three years fellows from the MMA Faculty of Medicine published 83 scientific papers in prestigious medical journals.
At the meeting, the Head of the Sector for Education and Scientific Research Colonel Dr. Miroslav Brocic conferred 40 diplomas to residents and fellows of MMA, and six best scientific papers of Cadets of the MMA Faculty of Medicine and MMA residents were presented; they were published or presented at scientific meetings during the last year.
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