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The Day of the University of Defence
Among those present there were secretaries of state in the Ministry of Defence Zoran Djordjevic and Nenad Neric, acting assistant ministers of defence, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Jovica Draganic, members of the collegiums of the Minister of Defence and Chief of General Staff, foreign military representatives, vice-rectors and professors of the University of Defence, representatives of the accredited universities of the Republic of Serbia, numerous friends and guests.
State Secretary Nenad Neric said that today we celebrate the fifth official confirmation of the success of the University of Defence.
He added that the great trust in the military higher education institution obliges the University of Defence to be better, to be a guardian of tradition and leader in the future.
According to the Rector of the University of Defence Major General Prof. Mladen Vuruna, although it is the youngest state university of the Republic of Serbia, it inherited achievements realised over decades of successful development of higher education in our army.
Proud of such history, the Rector added, we can safely say that the university form of organization offers even the added value.
General Vuruna presented the plaques of the University of Defence to the Kragujevac University and the Serbian Army. Also, the awards were conferred to the best cadets, students and retired teachers of the University of Defence.
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