Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Session of the Joint Military Committee for cooperation in the field of defence in Cairo

Заседање Мешовитог војног комитета за сарадњу у области одбране у Каиру Today in Cairo the ninth session of the Joint Military Committee for cooperation in the field of defence was completed. During the session, participants analysed carried out joint activities in 2015 and agreed on and signed the Bilateral Military Cooperation Action Plan between Serbia and the Arab Republic of Egypt for 2016.

The delegation of the Ministry of Defence of Serbia, led by Major General Professor Dr Bojan Zrnic, Head of the Defence Technology Department and co-president of the Serbian part of the Joint Military Committee, was received by Major General Rafik Raafat, Head of the Planning
Directorate of the Operations Department in the Ministry of Defence of EgЗаседање Мешовитог војног комитета за сарадњу у области одбране у 
Каиру ypt and co-president of the Egyptian part of the Joint Military Committee.

Both sides expressed mutual intention of the Serbian and Egyptian side to continue and intensify military economic, military-military and military medical cooperation.

The Egyptian delegation also included Brigadier General Khalid Abdel Varef, Head of the International Military Cooperation Department and Brigadier General Mohamed Ezzat from the Air Defence Command with associates.

During their visit to Egypt, the delegation of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia visited the Military Technical College of the Armed Forces of AR Egypt.