Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Exhibition of photographs on canvas of the Hilandar Monastery

Изложба фотографија на платну манастира ХиландарExhibition of photographs on canvas of the Hilandar Monastery by Miodrag Misa Brankovic, "Hilandar - meeting Saint Sava" was opened today in the Atrium of the Central Military Club and presented at the Small Gallery.

Director of the Media Centre Odbrana Colonel Stevica Karapandzin, President of the Crown Council Dragomir Acovic and the author spoke about the exhibition. They pointed out that Brankovic’s photographs show no people, but that nothing is empty and deserted. His Hilandar areas are inhabited by the spirit and faith of those who were, those who are temporarily and those who are yet to be. The audience in his photographs searches for the room in Hilandar which they have not yet entered, but will one day.

The exhibition will be open until 27 January.