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Christmas litany in Banjica 2 barracks
After burning the Yule log, attendees were addressed with a speech of professor at the Faculty of Theology archpriest stavrofor Dragomir Sando. He said that this day was no ordinary day and an ordinary holiday and it had never been that in the history of the Christian church, as it had always brought unconcealed joy. He stressed that, also, on this day the most decisive thing had happened among the Serbian people, "when the enemies knew the meaning of this holiday and they attacked then in the most atrocious way."
"Precisely at Christmas and before Christmas on Christmas Eve and our gatherings, the libertarian thought was nurtured and brought forth for
Head chaplain Major Sladjan Vlajic then wished the audience that the day brought Christ in their hearts and souls and that "he is again and always born in them."
After refreshments, military chaplains presented the Yule to the participants of the procession, pocket calendars and the icon, presented to them by Bishop of Sumadija and military cleric Jovan.
The festive event was organized by the Department of Human Resources of the General Staff, and the Christmas Eve is celebrated in a similar manner in other barracks of the Serbian Armed Forces as well.
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