Minister Gašić presents scholarship contracts
Today, Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić presented scholarship contracts awarded by the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces to nine college students and 23 high school students, who have met competition criteria for the academic year 2024/2025. The ceremony was held at the Old General Staff’s Great War Hall.
The contracts stipulate that upon graduation, scholarship awardees will be offered employment at the Material Resources Sector and the Military Health Department.
In his speech, the Minister of Defence expressed his delight at seeing young and bright people who will become members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in the near future, and emphasized that “it is extremely important for our ministry and the country as a whole that the practice of awarding scholarships to college students and pupils studying for careers that are important to the defence system has been resumed”.
- In this way, talented young men and women get financial support for their education, and most importantly - the opportunity for a secure job and a promising career in the professions they have chosen. After completing your education, you will take up employment at the Defence Technologies Department of the Material Resources Sector and the Military Health Department. I am sure that your knowledge and determination will infuse new energy into these organisational units of the Ministry of Defence and will be their support in the years to come. After graduation, the students who have been awarded scholarships will become employees of the Military Technical Institute, which has been a source of innovation and a generator of the development of modern technology in the field of the defence industry for eight decades. All these years, the Institute personnel have been helping to make our military strong and our country safe and free. You will soon join them - said Minister Gašić.
According to Minister Gašić, student scholarships have been awarded to medical school students who, after completing their education, will secure employment with the Military Medical Academy.
- I believe you are aware of the importance and reputation of this health institution. Being part of its staff has always been a matter of prestige in medical circles. I am particularly pleased to know that those who apply for military scholarships do not do so for financial reasons only. You, as all other members of the defence system, have deeply rooted love for your country and respect for its armed forces as a guarantor of freedom and independence. You should know that the country will recognize your moral virtues and professional qualities and that they will be appropriately rewarded – emphasized Minister Gašić and added that “over the past decade, a lot has been invested in the development of the defence system, not only in the procurement of new weapons and equipment, but in strengthening the financial status of our service personnel”.
According to him, wise economic policy has created the conditions for people to become the centre of our attention, because high-quality, motivated people are the foundation of every well organized and efficient system.
- Dear scholarship awardees, you have just taken an important step in your lives and I would like to congratulate you on that. I hope you will complete your education successfully and join us as soon as possible. You are the future we are looking forward to. Thank you for believing in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces. Long live Serbia - concluded Minister Gašić.
Mihailo Bojković is a student at the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac, pursuing a joint programme offered by the said faculty and the Military Academy.
- I am honoured to be this year’s scholarship winner and to have the chance to work with the Military Technical Institute, which provides marvellous opportunities for young engineers and their further advancement - said Mihailo Bojković.
Tea Bojović, a third-year student at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak, believes that this type of scholarship is very good, because it serves as a springboard for future employment and that it is important for students as it is the first step towards a better future.