Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Helicopter crews conduct flight activities: trained for even most complex tasks

Members of the 714th Anti-Tank Helicopter Squadron, 98th Air Brigade, are conducting regular flight training on Mi-35 combat helicopters at the Morava Military Airfield in Lađevci and in its immediate vicinity.
  In accordance with the plan, helicopter group leaders and accompanying personnel are now practicing the tactics, techniques and procedures necessary for the preparation and execution of a formation flight in low areas. In parallel with pilot training, the technical personnel are also being trained, with technicians of all specialties practicing standard procedures at the apron.
What awaits the pilots and aircraft technicians next is combat training, during which they will practice live fire engaging ground targets, which will round off the training cycle in this unit responsible for providing air support to Army troops in defence and attack.
The deputy commander of the 714th Anti-Tank Helicopter Squadron, Major Branko Stanković, encourages young people to join them and become military pilots, saying that doing this job is a privilege.
— People either love flying or they do not. Those who do, they want to be in the air all their lives.  Not once in my 24 years of service have I heard anyone say they do not want to fly, or avoid being in the air tasking order for that day — emphasized Major Stanković.
Lieutenant Đorđe Čorbić, a pilot with the 714th Helicopter Squadron, has invited young people wanting to become pilots to apply for the open competition for SAF Reserve Aviation Officer Course, noting that being a pilot is a responsible and wonderful job, because every flight brings a new kind of experience.
  — What motivated me to become a pilot is my love of heights, I have always loved it. It hasn’t been easy, but it seems to be worth the effort. When we all fly together I feel great, several helicopters in the air at the same time – it’s an indescribable feeling I can’t compare to any other I’ve experienced — explains Lieutenant Čorbić.
Young men and women wanting to fly combat helicopters or other aircraft of the Serbian Armed Forces, who have completed a 4-year undergraduate degree and are turning 27 this year, can apply for the open competition for Reserve Aviation Officer Course, which is open until March 31.