Minister Gašić visits fighter aviation unit on duty in Batajnica on New Year’s Eve
On New Year’s Eve, Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Gen. Milan Mojsilović went to the Colonel Pilot Milenko Pavlović military airport in Batajnica to visit the fighter aviation unit on duty.
Minister Gašić said that “this year, as in all previous years, members of the Serbian Armed Forces have demonstrated through their work, effort and sacrifice that they do everything in their power to keep our citizens safe, and our skies free and secure”.
- Whether it is a working day or holiday, the Republic of Serbia is safe as long as the members of the Serbian Armed Forces take care of its safety. Serbia is proud, thanks to those who have dedicated their lives to the military profession and their only homeland - said Minister Gašić.
He thanked the members of the unit on duty, and all other members of the Serbian Armed Forces who are carrying out their tasks tonight, for taking care of our safety even on New Year's Eve.
- May 2025 be a year of progress, in which we will further strengthen, equip and modernize the Serbian Armed Forces, and may it be a year of peace and stability. The Serbian Armed Forces will continue to provide reliable support for the preservation of peace and protect national interests for the benefit of all our citizens - said Minister Gašić and wished a happy New Year to all members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and the citizens of the Republic of Serbia.
Minister Gašić was accompanied on his visit to the fighter aviation unit by Air Force and Air Defence Commander Lt. Gen. Duško Žarković, Head of the Operations Department, General Staff, Maj. Gen. Gordan Pavlović, Head of the Office of the Minister of Defence Brig. Gen. Goran Momčilović, Commander of the 204th Air Brigade Brig. Gen. Milan Elenkov, and Head of the Office of the Chief of the General Staff Col. Boris Stojković.