Minister Gašić attends event marking Air Force and Air Defence Day
Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Gen. Milan Mojsilović attended tonight at the Aviation Club in Zemun a ceremony marking the Air Force and Air Defence Day.

Minister Gašić addressed numerous guests, reminding them that on December 24, 1912, only nine years after the Wright brothers’ first flight, the first air force command, headed by Major Kosta Miletić, was formed in Niš.
- The following year, the then small but strong Serbia was among the first countries in the world to have a baptism of fire in aerial warfare during the siege of Shkodra. The period between the two world wars was characterized by the flourishing and intensive development of our aviation, as well as the production of modern aircraft by the domestic aviation industry. At the same time, as the Serbian aviation made progress, air defence units and signal stations, forerunners of future aerial surveillance and early warning units, were being created and developed - said the Minister of Defence.
He said that the fighter pilots distinguished themselves by showing extraordinary heroism during the defence of Belgrade in the April War of 1941, as well as the bomber pilots, who inflicted substantial losses on the enemy.

According to Minister Gašić, the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, greatly assisted by our state leadership headed by the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander, have provided great support for the development of the Air Force and Air Defence over the past year.
- The procurement of aircraft, missile and radar systems, as well as the modernization of future combat vehicles and systems, has continued. Acknowledging the security challenges and risks facing our country, as well as achievements made in the development of weapons, the state and military leaders have agreed to equip the Serbian Armed Forces with state-of-the-art Rafale multi-role fighter jets. It is a very expensive, but profitable investment in the long-term security of our sky - said Minister Gašić.
The results of the equipment process and the capabilities of the Air Force and Air Defence units were presented to the public at the capabilities display - Flag 2024 at the Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović military airport in Batajnica.

He expressed his belief that the next year would be even more successful, and that all members of the Air Force and Air Defence would prove that they deserved their reputation and were worthy representatives of the honourable military profession.
- In the hope that you will continue building your capabilities and contributing to the peace and prosperity of our country and all our citizens, I congratulate you on the Air Force and Air Defence Day - said Minister Gašić.
According to the Air Force and Air Defence Commander, Lt. Gen. Duško Žarković, the members of this service provide safe skies over Serbia by continuously monitoring the airspace.

At tonight's event, an overview of the past year's work results was presented, and the Plaque of the Air Force and Air Defence was awarded to the Government Aviation Service for long-term cooperation and support. General Žarković presented the Plaque to the acting director of the Aviation Service, Nebojša Skorić.