Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

International United Nations Staff Officer Course

At the South Base near Bujanovac, International UN Staff Officers Course is underway, attended by members of the Serbian Armed Forces, Ministry of Interior and armed forces from nine foreign countries.

The training activity is carried out in accordance with the UN procedures and standards, so that participants could be fully qualified to perform staff roles in peacekeeping operations under the auspices of this international organisation.
During the three-week training process, the participants master theoretical and practical contents related to the most important aspects of functioning of integrated UN missions, the planning process in a military component and staff functions and procedures, and a significant part of the course deals with discussing the experience from current peacekeeping operations.
The course is organised by the Peacekeeping Operations Centre and lessons are delivered by a team of instructors from the MOD and Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, involving instructors from partner training centres from Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as visiting lecturers from the Ministry of the Interior, Red Cross of Serbia, International Committee of the Red Cross and UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

To conduct this course according to UN standards and procedures, our Peacekeeping Operations Centre is certified by the UN Integrated Training Service. There is traditionally a great deal of interest in sending personnel to this course shown by foreign countries, which is the indicator of high-quality training and preparations made by the Serbian Armed Forces for the needs of participation in peacekeeping operations.