3rd module of Regional Strategic Leadership Course completed
A ceremony marking the completion of the third module of the Regional Strategic Leadership Course was held in Belgrade tonight. The purpose of this three-day course, organized by the Defence University, was to encourage and improve cooperation with the countries of the Western Balkans and the Republic of Austria.

Acting Assistant Minister for Defence Policy Predrag Bandić congratulated the course participants and organizers, emphasizing the importance of the course for leaders throughout the region.
- I am confident that this course has managed to achieve its realistic goal, i.e. to establish a stronger network between leaders in the region and to strengthen mutual cooperation - said Assistant Minister Bandić.

The third module of the Regional Strategic Leadership Course is part of the Ministry of Defence’s 2024 International Cooperation Programme and it is the result of the conclusions of meetings held between defence ministers of Austria and Western Balkan countries as part of the Graz Format initiative.