Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Members of Serbian Armed Forces, KFOR conduct simultaneous patrols to ensure security

Members of the Serbian Armed Forces are tasked with constantly monitoring the situation along the administrative line with Kosovo and Mehotija and providing control of the Ground Safety Zone. Serbian troops perform these tasks in conjunction with the members of the international security force deployed in our southern province.
Among most important activities carried out jointly by members of the Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR are simultaneous patrols, which are conducted on both sides of the administrative line to monitor the situation on the ground and prevent illegal activities, but also to build up mutual trust and understanding.  

This week, members of the Third Army Brigade conducted one such patrol with members of KFOR Regional Command East within the AOR of the Serbian Armed Forces’ Base Šušnjak, in the vicinity of Kuršumlija.  On that occasion, they exchanged information about the situation on the ground and collected data that may prove significant for the execution of assignments in the upcoming period.
Lieutenant Colonel Đorđe Petrović, member of the Joint Implementation Commission responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Military Technical Agreement, has said that the established lines of communication ensure a continuous exchange of information, whether it is about the execution of regular tasks or about incidents that require immediate response of one of the two forces.

— Since 2001, regular meetings are held at all levels of cooperation. They are held on the reciprocity principle, alternately within the Serbian Armed Forces’ and KFOR’s respective AORs, which contributes to a better mutual understanding. During the meetings, the two sides exchange information about the current security situation in the territory of ​​the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija and along the administrative line - says Lieutenant Colonel Petrović and adds that during the meetings, the two sides also agree upon measures to improve the security situation, by planning joint reconnaissance, simultaneous patrols and lookouts.
Patrols are conducted in accordance with UNSC Resolution 1244 and the Military Technical Agreement, on the basis of which the Joint Implementation Commission was formed and which plays an important role in establishing good relations.
Simultaneous patrols are conducted by the Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR in accordance with the procedures agreed upon in 2005, which has led to a considerable drop in the number of illegal activities along the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija and a better security situation in this part of the country.