Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

International course on toxic chemicals detection and identification

International course on the detection and identification of toxic chemicals is being delivered to members of foreign armed forces at the Serbian Armed Forces CBRN Centre in Kruševac.  
  During the course, the trainees from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Egypt, Italy, the United States of America and Montenegro will expand their knowledge of the properties of toxic chemicals and toxic industrial chemicals and learn how to provide first aid for poisoning.
They will learn how to detect and identify contaminated materials based on the physical and chemical properties of toxic substances, and how to use devices for their detection.
The focus is on performing toxicological analyses of water, heavy metals and samples containing chemical contaminants in special laboratories used to detect and identify toxic chemicals. The training is being delivered by certified CBRN Centre instructors with the help devices and equipment that are in service at the Serbian Armed Forces.
  The fact that foreign armed forces show great interest in courses held at the CBRN Training Centre testifies to their quality and the expertise of SAF instructors in CBRN field. At the same time, these courses help the unit strengthen its status as a regional and partner education and training centre.