Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Gašić with Special Forces candidates: Show that you deserve the title of elite

Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Gen. Milan Mojsilović visited the Special Forces candidates at the Field Marshal Živojin Mišić barracks in Valjevo today.
  Minister Gašić addressed the recruits who are currently in basic training and pointed out that their decision to apply and earn a place among the selected ones was worthy of respect.
- By showing your readiness to make effort and sacrifice, you have proven that you are Serbia’s true sons and daughters, the best that this country has. Your parents, friends and relatives should rightly be proud of the decision you have made. With that decision, you become moral role models for future generations and pass on to them a patriotic pledge that promises the defence of the freedom and independence of the homeland as their highest duty - said the Minister of Defence.

All candidate have to prove their skills in order to wear the emblems of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade or the Special Purpose MP Detachment “Kobre” on their shoulders, he emphasized.
  - Your instructors will put forward demands and obstacles that you have probably never faced before. You will test your strength, endurance and mental capacity. When you become their colleagues one day, you will understand that it was the only way. You will understand and appreciate the value of your title and status. When you are in the most difficult situation, remember your great-grandfathers who forced the mighty Austro-Hungarian phalanxes over these hills and fields into the waves of the Drina River. Remember your great-grandfathers who crossed Albania and returned to their land victorious and covered in glory. You are their offspring and their blood - said Minister Gašić.
The Minister of Defence said that “those who successfully pass selective training will proudly wear the elite units’ insignia”.
- You will use the best, state-of-the-art weapons and continue to train and improve. And not only that. The state will reward you with generous salary packages for your service and loyalty, so that you do not have to worry about your financial situation. "Project 5000" is valuable and necessary for ensuring the safety of the Republic of Serbia and its citizens. You will be our homeland’s tip of the spear and striking fist. You will be the force deterring the enemy from harming us. And the greater your power and skill, the safer Serbia will be - stressed Minister Gašić and added that if some of them did not meet the strict requirements of selective training, the Serbian Armed Forces would give them the chance to become professional soldiers in other branches, services and specialties, and, in time, a new opportunity to earn a place in Special Forces.
  Minister Gašić told the candidates that they had proven their love for Serbia by joining and thanked them and their parents for raising them as honest and brave people.
- I wish you excellent health and the best of luck in your upcoming training. Be strong and courageous. Show that you deserve the title of elite – said the Minister of Defence.
After the speech, Minister Gašić and General Mojsilović held a meeting with the senior officers of the Serbian Armed Forces, where they discussed the training and selection process for Special Forces candidates.
  Candidates who successfully complete basic training will be sent to selective training, which consists of several elimination stages. The best among them will be offered an opportunity to join professional military service for a fixed period of six months, with the possibility of extending their employment contract for a period of up to three years and subsequently renewing it.

All candidates who become members of the Serbian Armed Forces will face continuous training and improvement, work with the most modern weapons and equipment, and receive a generous basic salary which, depending on their proficiency and job, will increase significantly.