New competition launched for admission to armoured, reconnaissance units
Today, the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces launched a competition for the admission of new recruits to armoured and reconnaissance units of the Army, Serbian Armed Forces.

Those who want a secure job, training and career advancement opportunities and reduced retirement age can apply for admission to the First, Second, Third and Fourth Army Brigades. Their duty station will be in one of the following cities: Novi Sad, Sremska Mitrovica, Bačka Topola, Kraljevo, Novi Pazar, Niš, Kuršumlija and Vranje.

Candidates who meet general and specific eligibility requirements will undergo medical, psychological, physical and security assessment. Candidates who have not completed military service under arms can apply for the competition, as well. However, before they apply for the competition, they must report to the competent regional centre of the Ministry of Defence to be registered in the military records. They will be sent to perform military service under arms with the soldiers of the December 2024 intake.

For more details about the competitions, click on the following link: https://www.mod.gov.rs/cir/konkurs-za-prijem-u-oklopne-i-izvidjacke-jedinice