Commissioning Ceremony of March 2024 Reserve Officers
A ceremony to mark the completion of the March 2024 Reserve Officer Course and the promotion of new officers to the rank of second lieutenant was held today at the Military Academy.

At the beginning of the ceremony, a Presidential Decree was read, promoting the Reserve Officer Course graduates to the rank of second lieutenant.
On that occasion, State Secretary Mile Jelić presented top of the class course candidates with gifts - wrist watches.

- Throughout the whole period, from 1883 to the present day, the reserve officers of the Serbian army have carried a significant war burden and made an invaluable contribution to many war successes in our proud and rich history - from the Balkan Wars, to the two world wars, to the most recent wars fought at the end of the 20th century - said State Secretary Jelić, emphasizing that reserve officer courses delivered by the Military Academy "attract the most responsible and courageous Serbian youth who hold an academic degree, our nation’s intellectual and moral elite, selected educated people with a pronounced sense of patriotic duty and strong character, ready to take on responsibility and help their society and their people”.

- You should be aware that, as of today, your every action is the action of a reserve officer of the Serbian Armed Forces, and that military, academic and moral excellence is expected from you at all times - State Secretary Jelić said and congratulated the new second lieutenants on their officer ranks.
At today's ceremony, second lieutenants of the infantry branch and telecommunications service were commissioned as reserve component officers. Second lieutenants with the best academic performance in this training cycle are – top of the class Milovan Kolašinac, graduate of the 108th class of reserve telecommunications officers with an average grade of 9.50, second-ranked Dušan Petrović, graduate of the 143rd class of reserve infantry officers with an average grade of 9.44 and the third-ranked, Dušan Đorić, graduate of the 143rd class of reserve infantry officers with an average grade of 9.44.

- The path we took was not easy, but it was a path along which we got to know ourselves, tested and pushed our limits and prepared ourselves for life. During that journey, we became aware of the power lying within us and the power of togetherness, because without teamwork there is no success or good results. Field Marshal Stepa Stepanović was a famous reserve officer of our army, too, and his role in the Balkan Wars and the First World War was enormous. The legacy bequeathed to us by our glorious ancestors like him obliges us to preserve and value what we have been given - emphasized Second Lieutenant Kolašinac.