Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to SAF units in garrisons of Sombor and Novi Sad

The Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Želimir Glišović, visited today the 1st Training Centre and several units of the Signal Brigade, as well as the 224th Electronic Warfare Centre.
At the “Aerodrom” Barracks in Sombor, he inspected the organization of life and work at the 1st Centre and the condition of training facilities for permanent and reserve personnel and infrastructure facilities for storing war reserve stock.
Afterwards, in the greater Novi Sad area, he visited the telecommunications and IT node and an advance detachment responsible for providing electronic warfare support, where he inspected the conditions in which members of the Serbian Armed Forces perform their tasks at detached facilities.
  During today’s tour, General Glišović spoke with soldiers and leaders. Unit commanders briefed him on the degree to completion of principal tasks and presented him with proposals for further improvement of the condition and capabilities of the units they command.