Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister of Defence meets with Italian Chief of Defence

Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić met today with the Chief of the Defence Staff of Italy, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, who is paying an official visit to the Republic of Serbia. The two officials discussed the political and security situation in the region, as well as the defence cooperation.
  At the beginning of the meeting, Minister Gašić congratulated Admiral Cavo Dragone on his appointment as the new Chair of the NATO Military Committee and wished him much success in his new role.

According to Minister Gašić, regional stability is of strategic importance for Serbia and for this reason, the two countries maintain a regular and close political dialogue at the highest level, which helps improve the overall relationship.
He said that Serbia was committed to reaching peaceful resolutions to all issues for the sake of a better life for everyone in Kosovo and Metohija, all the while protecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity and fully adhering to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Military Technical Agreement.
  Speaking about the cooperation between the Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR, Minister Gašić said that there was a satisfactory level of cooperation, mutual trust and partnership and added that the matter of security of all residents of Kosovo and Metohija was under the exclusive jurisdiction of KFOR, as the sole legitimate armed formation in that area. He expressed his gratitude to the Italian Armed Forces for their yearslong contribution to KFOR, and particularly for their involvement in the protection of the historical and cultural heritage of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija.
Minister Gašić said that the cooperation between the Serbian and Italian armed forces was comprehensive and aimed at strengthening mutual trust. Serbia devotes special attention to strengthening the military-economic cooperation with Italy, which is a promising partner, given the level of technological development the Italian economy and industry have reached.
  According to the two officials, both sides show a readiness to continue and further strengthen cooperation in areas of mutual interest, and a determination to improve bilateral military cooperation to the benefit of both sides. Joint engagement in multinational operations, such as the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, was also highlighted as a positive indicator of the partnership between the two countries and the cooperation between our armed forces.

Admiral Cavo Dragone thanked Minister Gašić for the opportunity to discuss topics that are important for the two countries’ armed forces. He expressed his expectation that, after assuming the role of KFOR commander, Major General Enrico Barduani would have excellent cooperation and communication with the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović.