Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbian Armed Forces provide assistance to municipalities struggling with water shortages

To mitigate the effects of long drought that has caused water shortages, members of the Serbian Armed Forces are engaged in providing water to households in the municipalities of Mionica and Sjenica.
  A state of emergency has been declared on the entire territory of the municipality of Mionica due to extreme weather conditions, disruptions in water supply and a threat to people's health.
At the request of the District Headquarters for Emergency Situations of the Kolubara Administrative District, a 2nd Training Centre’s water tanker truck has been employed in Mionica Municipality since the beginning of the week. Its primary task in the villages of Ključ, Bukovac, Đurđevac and Rajković is to replenish wells, cisterns and reservoirs with water for household use and for watering livestock.
As of today, members of the Serbian Armed Forces are on the same task in the villages on the Pešter Plateau in the municipality of Sjenica, where earlier this year and in previous years, engineer units of the Serbian Armed Forces cleaned and refurbished watering holes for livestock and dug new ones.
  In a situation where the inhabitants of many villages are struggling with water shortages, the Serbian Armed Forces remain ready to employ its forces and resources to assist the population and mitigate the effects of drought.
Along with water supply, at the request of local self-government bodies and in coordination with the Ministry of Public Investment, members of the Serbian Armed Forces are currently repairing local roads in the territory of several municipalities, thus demonstrating that they are always ready to provide assistance to citizens in the shortest possible time, whenever it is necessary.