Minister Gašić in “Krušik”
Today, Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić visited “Krušik”, a holding company headquartered in Valjevo.

Minister Gašić held a separate meeting with the factory’s expanded management and representatives of the trade union organizations operating within “Krušik”, where they discussed the current issues that are important for their work.
After the meeting, Minister Gašić and his associates took a tour of the surface protection and chamber production facilities, boiler room, which is being reconstructed, and the new primer plant.

- Today, I had the opportunity to speak with Krušik’s management about business and plans for new investments, with a view to expanding capacities, modernizing equipment and improving working conditions. It is extremely important that all production facilities work at full capacity. The state will continue investing in our defence industry, which is a reliable support for our defence forces - emphasized Minister Gašić.

The minister was accompanied on the tour by the Head of the Defence Technologies Department, Material Resources Sector of the Ministry of Defence, Brigadier General Slavko Rakić, and his associates.