70th Class of Command Staff Course Completes its Education
Today, in barracks “Banjica 2” in Belgrade, a ceremony was held to mark the completion of education of 70th Class of the Command and Staff Course.

The ceremony was attended by State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Mile Jelić and Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Želimir Glišović.
Upon decision of President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić, three top ranking attenders received parade daggers - Major Aleksandar Simić, Major Mladen Mitrović, and Major Ninoslav Đuđić, and they received the daggers from State Secretary Mile Jelić, while members of foreign armed forces received the parade daggers from General Glišović.
In his address, State Secretary Jelić underlined that the education of officers was of great importance for every modern military, and their life-long professional advancement was a precondition for understanding, monitoring and creating changes in warfare, which took place faster in the present than they ever had done.

- After the Command and Staff Course, your perspective of the world, starting from great crisis hotspots to every day work in the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces will never be the same. Nor will the tasks assigned to you be the same, and expected results of your work will be at significantly higher level. The military surrounding of the Republic of Serbia is complex, and many countries, reacting to the current state of international security, are intensely working on the strengthening of their military potential - the state secretary stated.
He reminded the attenders that the duties that they would undertake would demand their expertise, and leadership too, and that they must set an example to others, stressing that the defence of Serbia had been founded throughout the history on high moral values and the strength of officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Serbian military.

- The successful completion of the Command and Staff Course marks another important step on your paths to your own career development. At the same time, you have stepped into the world of new challenges that are always placed in front of officers envisaged for higher duties. Officers of the Serbian Armed Forces, your contribution to our fatherland, the Republic of Serbia, especially in these times, will be to successfully apply the knowledge acquired in previous months in your work in commands, units and institutions of our armed forces. I wish you a lot of success on that path of yours. Bear in mind that by undertaking the new duties, you are setting foot on a path that the most responsible officers and soldiers of our military took. Join them with fervour and pride that the memory of field marshals Putnik, Mišić, Stepanović and Bojović stirs in our hearts. May Serbian military and freedom-loving tradition inspire you, and modern military science make you strong - said State Secretary Jelić.

Deputy Head of National Defence School “Vojvoda Radomir Putnik” Colonel Zoran Jekić pointed out that this military educational institution worked every day on the strengthening of the military education and military science.
- Officers of 70th Class, this school has given you necessary knowledge and skills to command and lead units. With your successful completion of this professional advancement you provide contribution to the strengthening of the system of defence - said Colonel Jekić wishing the attenders a lot of success in their future work.

The first ranking, Major Aleksandar Simić, addressed the gathered on behalf of 70th Class saying that this professional advancement represented a significant turning point in an officer's career, and he noted that his class, with the excellent result that it had achieved, justified the epithet “the chosen” and the confidence given to them by their superiors.
- You can rest assured of our capabilities and resolve to successfully respond to all challenges, risks and threats, and faithfully serve Serbia and its citizens. Apart from the confidence given to us by being sent to this education, we are also obliged by the glory gained by Serbian military through centuries, managing to preserve the country and people in the most difficult times, making sacrifice that for us represent encouragement, motive and strength, and a reminder of the price of what we have been entrusted with - Major Simić said.

The 70th Class that completed Command Staff Course at the National Defence School “Vojvoda Radomir Putnik” consisted of 52 officers from the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces and six officers from foreign armed forces.
Today’s celebration was attended by members of boards of the Minister of Defence and Chief of General Staff, representatives of the military diplomatic corps, and family members, relatives and friends of the officers of 70th Class of Command Staff Course.