Tour of Technical Test Centre
Today, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Želimir Glišović toured the Technical Test Centre at the deployment locations in Belgrade and Nikinci.

On that occasion, he looked into the organisation of life and work and received a report from Director of the Technical Test Centre Colonel Saša Veselinović, PhD, on the state, capabilities and performance of important tasks.
At the institution’s seat in Kumodraž, he visited the test laboratories of the sectors for electronics and metrology, and in the continuation of the tour in Nikinci, he attended tests of weapons and military equipment on the range.

The Technical Test Centre is a scientific and research institution of the Serbian Armed Forces, directly subordinated to General Staff Development and Equipping Directorate (J-5), with the primary task to test weapons and military equipment and provide metrological support for units and institutions of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
Throughout the tour, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff was accompanied by the Chief of Development and Equipping Directorate (J-5), Brigadier General Milan Popović.