Competition for Special Units Open Until 31st July
Military Police special operations detachment ‘Cobras’ and 72nd Special Operations Brigade have opened their doors for all interested young men and women to the age of 30, who wish to deserve their place in the line of those elite units, and the deadline for applying is 31st July this year.

Initial salary of newly admitted members of special units who successfully pass selective training is 220,000 dinars.
The candidates who meet the prescribed general and specific competition conditions will be sent to appropriate medical testing and psychological evaluation, which will be followed by physical fitness test. After meeting the rigorous health, psychological and security criteria, the candidates will be sent for selective training which consists of several elimination phases. The most successful among them will have the opportunity to start their professional military service in one of the two mentioned special units, for fixed period of time, lasting up to six months, with possible extension of the employment contract for the period of up to three years and its subsequent renewal.

Candidates are also eligible to apply if they have not completed military training under arms, but, prior to selective training, they will have to successfully undergo the basic military training.
The place of work of future members of 72nd Special Operations Brigade is Pančevo garrison, while future members of the Military Police Special operations detachment ‘Cobras’ will work in Belgrade. The dynamic and challenging training, professional development and work with the state-of-the-art equipment and armament are the future of those who stand in line of these elite units of the Serbian Armed Forces.

The competition for the admission into special units of the Serbian Armed Forces will be open until 31st July 2024, and interested candidates can find detailed information on the competition for the admission in special units on the following link: https://www.mod.gov.rs/cir/konkurs-za-specijalne-jedinice-vojske-srbije