Display of Arms and Military Equipment on the Occasion of Celebrating Vidovdan
Today, in Kruševac, in the framework of the celebration of Vidovdan Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić, and Chief of General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović visited the static display of arms and military equipment of our armed forces, and the assets and systems that are in the process of modernisation, development and testing.

The display, organised in the framework of central state ceremony of lying wreaths and paying homage to Kosovo heroes, was attended by Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Miloš Vučević, ministers in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, representatives of local self-government, institutions and numerous citizens.
On Kosovo Heroes Square and Vidovdan Street the visitors had an opportunity to see armoured assets, artillery weapons and systems, and modern air defence systems, and assets produced by Serbian defence industry.
Today, in Kruševac, materiel was displayed that were recently introduced to the units of the Serbian Armed Forces that have not been presented to the public so far such as Chinese air defence system HQ-17АЕ. This is the system used for the neutralisation of enemy targets at small and medium distances, and it has modern characteristics such as quick reaction for combat engagement and firing while moving.

On that occasion, Prime Minister Miloš Vučević congratulated on the equipping of the armed forces underlying that without a strong economy and organised finances, the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces would not have everything that was displayed on that day.
- I am proud to underline that we have presented for the first time something that we bought in the previous period, and that is the new short range air defence system HQ-17АЕ, which was purchased in the People’s Republic of China. Up till now you were not able to see that, apart from the people from the defence system. This is something that guarantees even better protection of the airspace above our fatherland, and it is an excellent tandem with our strongest weapon FK-3 - Prime Minister Vučević stated.
He said that there were many new assets in the system of defence - from ammunition production to complex combat systems.

- We are particularly proud of the development of artillery-missile units and unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, which represents the future for the security of every state. Now you see why Serbia, in line with the decision of then Prime Minister, today President of the Republic Aleksandar Vučić, decides to invest in and preserve Serbian Defence Industry, because the majority of products that we have displayed today is produced by us - the prime minister stated.
The citizens had an opportunity to see air defence systems FK-3, PASARS with missile systems “Mistral” and “Arrow”, and today’s display included armoured assets tanks M-84AS, BVP M-80AB, BOV OT 4x4, MRAP 6x6, and combat armoured wheeled vehicles “Lazar-3”, “Miloš” and “Lazanski”.
Particular segment of the display were artillery assets Nora M21, modular Oganj M18 and digital Oganj M17 and LMS Tamnava.

Citizens also devoted attention to multipurpose unmanned aerial vehicle PEGASUS intended for actions against light armoured, unarmoured vehicles, and for reconnaissance and intelligence missions.
The display also included the Serbian Defence Industry companies that presented a segment of their products.