Central State Ceremony of Observing Vidovdan
Today, of Kosovo Heroes Square in Kruševac, a central state ceremony was held to lie wreaths and pay homage to Kosovo heroes on the occasion of the great holiday - Vidovdan.

The ceremony, led by Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Miloš Vučević, was attended by Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović, ministers in the Government of Serbia, members of boards of the minister of defence and chief of General Staff and numerous citizens.
At the Monument to Kosovo heroes Prime Minister Miloš Vučević, Minister Gašić and General Mojsilović laid wreaths.
On that occasion, Prime Minister Vučević stated that Vidovdan is one of the most important dates for Serbia and Serbian people.

- Vidovdan is the day when the past, present and the future intertwine. Vidovdan is the cornerstone of our culture and national identity. Vidovdan is the reminder of pivotal moments of the trials that we as a nation underwent throughout our history. The fateful 28th June is not another date in some calendar, but a moment that symbolises resilience, self-sacrifice and everything that is good in us. Vidovdan is a public confession of our collective memory that cautions and awakes, encourages and cheers, invigorates and teaches - Prime Minister Vučević stated and said that it was the day on which we remembered numerous martyrs who had fallen for their fatherland, people and faith.
Earlier today, in the Town House in Kruševac, a ceremonial session of the Government of the Republic of Serbia was held on the occasion of the Day of memory of the rule of Prince Lazar and 635th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo. Prime Minister Miloš Vučević led the session that was attended by Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić, and Chief of General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović.

In the morning, Minister Gašić and General Mojsilović participated in the Procession from the Lazarica Church to the Monument to Kosovo heroes that was led by Archbishop and Metropolitan of Kruševac David.