Minister Gašić Opens Exhibition “Battle of Kosovo - Living History of Serbia” in Kruševac
This evening, in the Gallery of the National Museum in Kruševac, Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić has opened the exhibition titled “The Battle of Kosovo - Living History of Serbia”, organised on the occasion of observing Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day). Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović attended the opening of the exhibition.

Opening the exhibition, Minister Gašić pointed out that the Battle of Kosovo represents more than history for our people.
- That is the pledge imbedded into the very core of the Serbian people identity. The feat of the Holy Prince Lazar and his heroes is the standard by which we have been measuring the worth of our own feats for centuries. In our culture, Vidovdan has ascended to mythical heights and remained the landmark in every historical and geographical point of our existence. Guided by its symbolism we have overcome the greatest trials that one people could face - the minister of defence said.
He stressed that the national folklore on the Battle of Kosovo glorifies the chivalry and willing sacrifice in the defence of one’s state and faith, condemning discord and despising betrayal.

- During the darkness of slavery, that legend illuminated our path towards liberation and restoration of Serbian state. The spirit of Kosovo pledge gathered the rebels in Orašac and Takovo, invigorated Serbian military in both Balkan wars. Our forefathers carried it with them over the icy wastelands of Albania and battlefields of the Thessaloniki Front. After all, Vidovdan omens were present at battlefields of the Second World War, and in the days of the defence against NATO aggression in 1999 - Minister Gašić stated.
Addressing the present, the minister of defence said that Kruševac used to be the seat of Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović, where from Serbian knights with their ruler departed for Kosovo to meet the eternity.
- Starting from this day, the Lazar’s town is the host of a worthy and symbolic cultural event - the exhibition dedicated to the battle of Kosovo organised by the Military Museum from Belgrade. I am particularly pleased with the opportunity to address you on this occasion as the minister of defence and a man born in Kruševac. The Military Museum is a cultural institution that is part of the Ministry of Defence, and a unique institution in Serbia. For more than one century, it has been safeguarding and presenting to the public the testimonies of our rich and honourable military history. Today, we have in front of us a segment of the treasury of the Military Museum relevant to the Battle of Kosovo and its historical and cultural and artistic heritage. What played out on Gazimestan back in 1389 shall remain forever in the consciousness of our people. May this even be another stone in the monument to the immortality of Kosovo heroes - Minister Gašić said and proclaimed the exhibition “The Battle of Kosovo - Living History of Serbia” open.

Acting Director of the Military Museum Lieutenant Colonel Miroslav Sekuloski stated that holidays such as Vidovdan were a good occasion to shed light once again, through museum heritage that originated in the period between 14th to 20th century, on numerous historical figures and episodes from military history of Serbia.
- There are museum artefacts in front of you that remind us of the importance of Vidovdan in Serbian history. In the first place, you will be able to see authentic examples of arms and military equipment from late middle century used at the time of the Battle of Marica and the Battle of Kosovo, and defence of Serbian lands ruled by Mrnjavčevićs, Lazarevićs, Kotromanićs and Brankovićs against the surge of Ottoman conquerors. The exhibition has been organised owing to a long-lasting work of several generations on gathering, safeguarding and presenting the museum artefacts - said the acting director of the Military Museum.

The exhibition “The Battle of Kosovo - Living History of Serbia” consists of three thematic segments that chronologically present the period of national history from the decline of the Serbian Empire after the death of Emperor Stefan Dušan, to the rule of Despot Stefan Lazarević. The exhibition setup presents the events that led to the Battle of Kosovo, the conflict of Serbian and Ottoman armies in 1389, and the battle outcome. The exhibition displays parts of authentic arms and military equipment used by Serbian and Ottoman militaries, the copies of medieval frescos and seals, as well as historical maps and modern reconstructions of Serbian warriors’ appearance from that period.
The opening of the exhibition was attended by Acting State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Nebojša Nikolić, Acting Assistant Minister for Human Resources Siniša Radović, Head of the Office of the Minister of Defence Brigadier General Goran Momčilović, Head of the Office of the Chief of General Staff Lieutenant Slađan Hristov, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, Mayor of Kruševac Ivan Manojlović, representatives of local self-government and numerous guests.

The exhibition “The Battle of Kosovo - Living History of Serbia” will be open for all visitors until 15tth July.