Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Study Visit from Attenders of Advanced Security and Defence Studies

Today, attenders of 13th class of the Advanced Security and Defence Studies of the National Defence School “Vojvoda Radomir Putnik” paid a study visit to the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces.

The visit was conducted so that the attenders of this professional advancement could analyse the place and role of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces in the defence system, and the functions and tasks that it performs as the highest expert and staff body for the preparation and employment of the Serbian Armed Forces both in peace and war.

During the visit, Head of Operations Directorate (J-3) Major General Tiosav Janković gave a lecture to senior officers, state employees, and members of foreign armed forces who are educated at this professional advancement to analyse modern security environment, the development of elements of national security systems, and assess politico-security trends.

To his guests, he presented basic information, organisation, responsibilities, command system, missions and priority tasks of the Serbian Armed Forces, and challenges and prospects for the equipment with modern arms and equipment, and efforts made with the view of further strengthening combat readiness of the Serbian Armed Forces. The lecture was also attended by leading officers of other organisational units of the General Staff.

The Advanced Security and Defence Studies are the fourth level of special professional advancement programmes for professional members of the Serbian Armed Forces and state employees, and it is carried out for the purpose of their preparation to perform senior duties within national security systems.