Minister Gašić at Oath-Taking Ceremony of “June 2024” Intake
Today, Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić attended the oath-taking ceremony of soldiers doing voluntary military service of the intake “June 2024” in the barracks “Vojvoda Živojin Mišić” in Valjevo.

Congratulating the soldiers on taking oath, the minister of defence said that he was proud to stand in front of the youngest ranks of our armed forces on that festive occasion of taking military oath.
- Military oath has a long tradition and lofty significance in our people. By taking the oath, a soldier swears on his honour to his fatherland - he gives his word as a pledge of a soldier’s and human virtue. Those who are ready to defend freedom and independence of Serbia, as the founding value of our society, deserve particular respect. Serbia has always pursued a peace-loving policy. We remain loyal to the same principles today as well. We consistently promote dialogue, cooperation, understanding among states and we call for the respect for international law - Minister Gašić stated.
He pointed out that owing to patriotism, self-sacrifice and belief in truth and justice, we have managed to preserve the country, tradition and culture throughout our tumultuous history.

- We owe the preservation of those values to the generations to come, following and cherishing the freedom-loving idea that guided all our ancestors. The Republic of Serbia has chosen the path of military neutrality. Serbia does not want hostilities or conflicts, but peace and prosperity for entire region. The only role of our armed forces is the very protection of that peace as a basic precondition for the development of our beautiful country. We will not make part of any military alliance, and we will take care of our defence and security on our own. Such decisions results from the aspiration to make sovereign state decisions exclusively in line with the interests of our people - the minister of defence stressed adding that “this is the reason why we are building strong armed forces, equipping it, and enlarging it, taking care of the enhancement of the status and standard of living of our members”.
Addressing the soldiers’ parents, minister Gašić said that they should be proud of raising and educating those young people in the spirit of our tradition instilling the sense of responsibility to their people and their country.
Addressing the soldiers of “June 2024” intake, the minister of defence said that they were becoming a part of the Serbian Armed Forces that enjoy the greatest confidence of the citizens of our country.

- You will have an opportunity to contribute to that confidence with your work, effort and discipline. With each day of the training, you will mature both as people and soldiers. You will become a strong and unified collective, and feel the power of togetherness and friendship that will bind you for the rest of your lives. It will not always be easy. There will be sweat and hard work, but you will realise through those challenges that you can achieve everything you want in life with effort and hard work. I am confident that there are those among you that will, after having served the voluntary military service, decide to pursue professional military career. I encourage you to do that, because I know that serving in the Serbian Armed Forces is not only an honourable, but also a wise life decision - Minister Gašić underlined and stressed that the oath they had taken on that day should always remain in their minds and hearts no matter where their life took them.
The oath-taking ceremony was attended by Head of the Office of the Minister of Defence Brigadier General Goran Momčilović, Head of Human Resources Directorate (J-1) of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Brigadier General Savo Iriškić, Deputy Commander of the Training Command Colonel Nebojša Cvetković, representatives of the county and local self-government, Serbian Orthodox Church, numerous relatives and friends of the soldiers. The Commander of today’s ceremony was the Commander of the Second Training Centre in Valjevo Colonel Saša Stojiljković.

One of the soldiers doing voluntary military service who has taken the oath today is a young man from Novi Sad Nikola Perković who did not hide his satisfaction with the experience he had gained staying in the barracks until then.
- For the time being, my impressions are excellent. I would like to work in the River Flotilla in Novi Sad, since that is where I come from. Everyone who thinks that he needs a bit of discipline should come and do military service - Perković said.
Jovana Maliković from Feketić stressed that the military profession was the right profession for her.
- I was taught the right values and to love my fatherland, and at some point, I felt that this is the right profession for me. I decided to come here and I have no regrets. I have great expectations, and so far, they have been fulfilled. It is interesting, and this is new for us, but we got used to it - Maliković said and invited all young people who love their country and wish to gain new experience to come and do voluntary military service.

Andrej Sretović also sent a message from today’s oath-taking ceremony, and he believes that the voluntary military service is the way to push one own’s boundaries.
- I wanted to push my own limits and see how far I can go and become a better man. We should always aspire towards being better people and to improve ourselves in every way. Also, we have to take care of our people as much as we can, since no one else will do it, if we, the young, do not do it - Sretović stated.