Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit from Commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Africa

The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, met today with the Commander of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Africa, General James B. Hecker, who is on an official visit to the Republic of Serbia accompanied by his delegation.
  The topics of discussion at the meeting held at the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff were the current security situation in the region and possibilities for strengthening cooperation between the Serbian Armed Forces and the U.S. Armed Forces.
The two generals agreed that the bilateral military cooperation is intense and comprehensive, that it contributes to building interoperability and enhancing operational capabilities of the two countries’ armed forces and that, being an important segment of the overall relationship between Serbia and the USA, it is at the service of preserving peace and stability in the region and beyond.
According to the Chief of the General Staff, the Serbian Armed Forces are willing to improve the military-to-military cooperation with the U.S. Armed Forces in all areas of common interest, on an equal basis, all the while maintaining military neutrality.
Unilateral moves made by the provisional institutions of self-government in Priština have a negative impact on the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija, General Mojsilović said, whereas the Serbian Armed Forces consistently adhere to the Military-Technical Agreement and, in line with UNSC Resolution 1244 and all signed agreements, recognize KFOR as the only legitimate armed formation in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.
  General Hecker is visiting our country at the invitation of Air Force and Air Defence Commander Lieutenant General Duško Žarković, with whom he discussed cooperation in the areas of flight safety, Search and Rescue, helicopter operations and aviation medicine yesterday. He also visited the 204th Air Force Brigade at the Military Airfield Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović in Batajnica, where he was shown some of the capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces’ aviation units.
General Hecker, who is also Commander of the NATO Allied Air Command, has also had separate meetings with the Commander-in-Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces and President of the Republic, Aleksandar Vučić, and Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić.