Serbian Armed Forces get new, modern firing range
A multifunctional firing range, bearing the name of the village where it is located and intended for individual and collective firearms training, was officially opened today in the village of Vrtogoš near Vranje, with distinguished visitors in attendance.
This modern firing range is the result of a joint project and investment with the U.S. Government. The Serbian Armed Forces have got a new firing range now, intended primarily for practicing firing from moving combat vehicles in a convoy.
The ceremony was attended by Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, and his associates, a U.S. delegation led by Brigadier General Christopher A. McKinney, USEUCOM, and Deputy Mayor of Vranje Milan Ilić.
The visitors had the opportunity to witness highly competent SAF members firing small arms and conducting a tactical convoy live-fire exercise, firing from moving vehicles. The US delegation was also presented with the capabilities of Base South and the Multinational Operations Training Centre, which is in charge of the firing range.
Brigadier General McKinney had the chance to test the functionality and capabilities of the firing range himself, firing our 5.56 mm M21 automatic rifle.
The multifunctional firing range “Vrtogoš” is intended for firing 5.56 - 12.7 mm infantry weapons, and machine guns from halted or moving combat and armoured vehicles in a convoy.