Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbia, Gabon sign Defence Cooperation Agreement

Today, Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić signed a Defence Cooperation Agreement with the Minister Delegate for National Defence of the Gabonese Republic, Major General Brigitte Onganoa, who is paying an official visit to the Republic of Serbia as part of the Gabonese government delegation.
The signing of the Agreement was attended by the prime ministers of Serbia and Gabon, Miloš Vučević and Raymond Ndong Sima.

Prior to signing the agreement, defence ministers of Serbia and Gabon had a meeting, during which Minister Gašić thanked Gabon for supporting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, as well as for withdrawing its recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo.  
Minister Gašić said that Serbia advocates strict adherence to the international law, preservation of peace and stability, and development of relations with other countries based on equality and mutual respect. He conveyed our country’s readiness to strengthen defence cooperation with the Gabonese Republic, and added that the signing of the Defence Cooperation Agreement would help concretize cooperation in a number of other areas of mutual interest.  

According to Minister Onganoa, the traditionally friendly relationship between Serbia and Gabon provides a sound basis for strengthening the defence cooperation between the two countries.

She also highlighted the determination of the Gabonese Republic to improve the defence cooperation, which, according to her, will considerably influence the future strengthening of overall bilateral cooperation between the two friendly countries.
Earlier today, Minister Gašić attended the official welcoming ceremony held outside the Palace of Serbia for the Prime Minister of Gabon, Raymond Ndong Sima, who is heading the Gabonese delegation on its official visit to Serbia, as well as a plenary meeting of the two governments’ delegations.