Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to Army Training Centre

The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff,  General Milan Mojsilović, visited today the Army Training Centre in General Pavle Jurišić Šturm Barracks in Požarevac.
  During the visit, he inspected the organization of life and work, state of affairs and operational and functional capabilities of this Training Command unit and attended some segments of training of professional soldiers, soldiers who are performing their military service and non-commissioned officer candidates.
General Mojsilović also attended a workshop covering the implementation of new solutions for protecting tank crews on the battlefield, organized by the Council of Armoured Units.
  The Chief of the General Staff expressed his satisfaction with the professional service members’ competence and the trainees’ commitment, but also with the fact that the training facilities have been significantly improved in the recent period due to the acquisition of modern equipment and trainers. According to him, investment in this Centre will continue so that it can meet the demand for the training of both active and reserve components of Army branches in light of increased efforts to equip the military with modern weapons.
The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff was accompanied on his tour by the Commander of the Training Command, Major General Zoran Nasković.