Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević and Mayor of Banjaluka Stanivuković Visited Primary School “Vuk Stefanović Karadžić”

Today, Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević and Mayor of Banjaluka Draško Stanivuković visited the primary school “Vuk Stefanović Karadžić” (class “Kosovo and Metohija”) in the residential area of Banjaluka called Ada.

Congratulating the Day of Banjaluka, Minister Vučević expressed satisfaction, happiness and pride for being in that town on that day pointing out that all of us, no matter which side or bank of the Drina River we came from, experienced Banjaluka as our own town.

- This is a nice occasion and it is nice to visit this school, and to prove once again that the Republic of Serbia will be with the Republika Srpska both in good and hard times. We will continue working together on the most important projects which influence the quality of life of the citizens of the Republika Srpska. The changes in Banjaluka are immense, the progress is vast and you have to cherish that, because the key message is to keep the people here and have more children. The best infrastructure, or the most beautiful schools are worth nothing, or the best roads or arranged river banks, sport centres, if we do not have people, and if we do not have children - the minister of defence said.

According to him, this May will bring challenging days for us, and he stated that we would fight politically to protect both Serbia and the Republika Srpska, to preserve peace and stability in the region, which is the national interest of both Serbia and Srpska, honouring and understanding the policy and expectations of all peoples and states in these parts. He added that Serbia was obliged to continue strengthening its economy and defence, and to take care of the Republika Srpska.

- That is going to be one of the tasks, and what you will hear in my exposition in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, where I will dedicate a separate part to the region, the Republika Srpska and touch upon our further joint work. I look forward to our meetings. I expect that at the time of Easter or St. George’s Day we will gather and make important decisions for the period ahead to protect both Serbia and the Republika Srpska and entire region. Serbia desires the best possible relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, with Bosniaks, with Croats, with all who live in these parts. We do not wish any arguments or any kind of divisions - stated Minister Vučević stressing that we dearly need peace and stability.

As he emphasised, Serbia will take care of the municipalities in the Federation with major Serbian population, because they are a part of a common culture, shared identity of the Serbian people.

- Let there be peace in the Western Balkans. May we all cooperate and long live Srpska and Serbia, may Banjaluka develop. May it become the European Capital of Culture and the young and green, but may it first be the town of the people of Banjaluka - Minister Vučević concluded.

Prime Minister of the Government of the Republika Srpska Radovan Višković expressed gratitude to the Government of Serbia and President Aleksandar Vučić for the donation given for the construction of the primary school instancing numerous other donations provided all over the Republika Srpska.

- I often say that the amount of a donation is not important. The important thing is that you have an older brother who will at a given moment be there for you and give you a helping hand. All well-meaning people, when compare Banjaluka 10 or 15 years ago with Banjaluka today, say that those are two different tows. The same goes for all local communities all over the Republika Srpska - Višković stressed.

Mayor of Banjaluka Draško Stanivuković pointed out that the new primary school was the most modern school in the Republika Srpska, meeting all world standards, and that it was the fruit of brotherly love of Serbia and the Republika Srpska.

- This school was built with joint capacities. Our Banjaluka was waiting for 22 years for the new primary school. The last school that was built in the residential area Petrićevac was a donation of the Government of Japan, but with the donation of our Government of Serbia, we have built this magnificent school. Of course, we do not intend to stop here. With the Government of the Republika Srpska we are building a new primary school and I believe that we will thus meet all the requirements for primary schools - Mayor Stanivuković stated.

On that occasion, Minister Vučević, together with Mayor Stanivuković, talked to the School Principal Tatjana Vilendečić and teaching staff about the curriculum and significance of that school, which started its work last September, for the inhabitants of that part of Banjaluka. The visit was also an opportunity to tour the classrooms and seminar rooms where lessons are held, while the pupils prepared cultural and artistic programme for the guests.

Prime Minister of the Government of the Republika Srpska Radovan Višković, heads of offices of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Žarko Mićin and Brigdier General Goran Momčilović and representatives of local self-government attended the visit as well.