Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Decorations awarded to members of Ministry of Defence, Serbian Armed Forces

Acting as the representative of the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević, accompanied by the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, presented decorations to members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces on the occasion of Sretenje (Candlemas) – Serbian Statehood Day and the Serbian Armed Forces Day, at the Guard Club in the Topčider Barracks today.   
The ceremony started with a minute’s silence to pay respects to Master Sergeant Mijodrag Tošković, a member of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade who recently died.

By a presidential decree, 110 members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, and one cultural institution were awarded decorations on the occasion of Sretenje - Serbian Statehood Day. The decorations awarded included the Sretenje Order 2nd Class, Order of Merit in Defence and Security 3rd Class, the Gold and Silver Medals for Merit and the Silver Medal for Zealous Service. The Gallery of the Central Military Club in Belgrade was awarded the Sretenje Order 2nd Class.    
On the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day, 100 members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and one SAF unit were awarded the following decorations – the Order of the White Eagle with Swords 3rd Class, the Order of Merit in Defence and Security 3rd Class, the Gold and Silver Medals for Merit and the Silver Medal for Zealous Service.

Minister Vučević said that he was deeply honoured to present the decorations of our homeland to members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces on behalf of the president and supreme commander of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- It is a great honour to receive a decoration on this day. Today, we award decorations both on the occasion of the Statehood Day and the Serbian Armed Forces Day. Today, we celebrate courage and wisdom. We celebrate both Karađorđe and Miloš. And we honour those who have put both their courage and wisdom at the service of their homeland. We honour people on important holidays, we award decorations to those who are worthy of being decorated on this day in memory of the glorious heroes from our past and of the history and present of our homeland. When we say that they put their courage and wisdom at the service of their homeland and army, we really mean it - we decorate those who put common good and the public interest first - said the minister of defence.
  According to him, our people have always regarded Serbian decorations as something sacred.

- They were kept by the families as keepsakes to remember their recipients and were considered objects of incalculable value. They testified to the persons who received them. Old writings say that the Obilić Medal in Montenegro was awarded immediately after the battle. The most senior officer would step in front of a formation of soldiers, in front of the army, raise the medal towards the sky and ask – may the one who deserve it step forward. A more difficult question could not be asked - Minister Vučević said. Because of this, he is sure that everyone who has been deservedly decorated today, appreciates everything they have done, just as the Republic of Serbia appreciates, recognizes and respects it.
  At the end of his speech, the minister of defence once again congratulated the decoration recipients on behalf of the president, the Serbian government and the Ministry of Defence.

- Be proud of your medals. Serbia is grateful to you. Long live the Serbian Armed Forces. Long live Serbia – said Minister Vučević.
Today’s ceremony was attended by members of the defence minister’s and the chief of the General Staff’s boards.