President Vučić attends ceremony marking Special Purpose MP Detachment “Kobre” Day
The President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, attended a military ceremony to mark the Special Purpose MP Detachment "Kobre" Day at the "Vasa Čarapić" barracks in Belgrade, today. On this occasion, he handed over the Detachment flag to the unit commander, Colonel Darko Đosić.

Addressing the audience, President Vučić said that it was a great honour for him to attend the ceremony and to able to award the unit with the Detachment flag, which they had earned through professionalism, discipline, diligence, dedication, but above all, through their love for their homeland.

The unsuitable buildings in the "Vasa Čarapić" barracks, which have housed “Kobre” since their formation 46 years ago, will soon be replaced by a new home, the President of Serbia said.

The President of the Republic also said that in the forthcoming days he would fight using all political means to preserve the image and reputation of Serbia and expressed his pride in "our wonderful red, blue and white tricolor, which no one will ever be able to take away from us and which we will never give to anyone".

President Vučić thanked "Kobre" for being serious and responsible, as well as attentive and diligent in their work, for doing their best, and asked them to always be at the service of their only homeland, Serbia.
- Thank you very much for always showing love to our country. Congratulations on your unit flag. Carry it with pride and never hand it over to anyone. Long live Kobre! Long live the Serbian Armed Forces! Long live Serbia - the President of the Republic said in conclusion.

- Thank you for restoring dignity to the Serbian Armed Forces. The past 46 years of the unit's existence have been filled with outstanding professional achievements, and our respect for military honour and duty has made us the pride and joy of the armed forces and the citizens of Serbia. I would like to recognize all unit members for their efforts, work, professionalism and sacrifice. We have performed tasks abroad, we were not bypassed by the 1990s wars, we have represented our armed forces and country at the most important competitions at home and abroad, we have won numerous recognitions and awards, we have received the country’s highest decorations. Our veterans, who have been part of the unit all these years and who still stand with us today, have contributed a lot to building the unit’s reputation. You will always be an integral part of our unit - said Colonel Đošić. According to him, the unit was reinforced last year with new members, civilians who joined it for the first time, and who are the promise of a future and a guarantee of the unit's survival.

- Therefore, we have a huge responsibility in fulfilling the most important task – ensuring the security of Serbia and all its citizens. By wearing the uniform with the insignia of "Kobre", we put at the service of our country, without a second thought, the most valuable thing we have, our life. After 46 years, we have been given the greatest of all honours, the most sacred thing for the military, our own unit flag. It reminds us of the oath we have sworn to Serbia and as of today, we will take it everywhere with us. By being awarded the flag, we get the status we deserve and this solemn act becomes a historic day for our detachment. I am certain that we will continue to be determined, honourable, responsible and worthy of the sacred flag given to us today - said Colonel Đošić.
The ceremony was attended by Serbian government ministers, MPs, members of the Defence Minister’s and the Chief of the General Staff’s respective offices, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, religious communities and veterans of the "Kobre" Detachment.