Visit from Chief of Joint Staff of BiH Armed Forces
The Chief of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Major General Gojko Knežević, is on a three-day visit to our country at the invitation of the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović.
After the meeting with Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević earlier today, General Knežević visited the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff and discussed with General Mojsilović the current security situation in the region and the world, defence cooperation between the two countries and the possibilities of further improving it.
During the conversation, it was established that the two countries’ armed forces have a successful cooperation within the Balkan Countries CHODs Forum, which aims to strengthen military-to-military cooperation between the countries in the region, as well as cooperation in the field of training for participation in multinational operations. In this regard, the close and long-standing cooperation between the SAF Peacekeeping Operations Centre and the BiH Armed Forces’ Peace Support Operations Training Centre was emphasized.
Tomorrow, General Knežević will visit the Military Academy and the Peacekeeping Operations Centre in Belgrade, where the capabilities and the scope of work of these organizational units of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces will be presented to him.
The visit from the Chief of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina is an opportunity to reaffirm Serbia’s determination to strengthen the defence cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and thus promote good neighbourly relations and improve the security situation in the region.