Choose military schools - the right blend of the academic and military
The competition for enrolment in military schools that was opened on 15th February and will remain open until 31th March is an opportunity for all young men and women, who are thinking about military profession as their future career, to apply and become a part of our military ranks. All those who dream of wearing the uniform of the Serbian Armed Forces someday, can get impression of the education at the Military Academy, Military Grammar School and Military Vocational High School “1300 Corporals” every Saturday throughout the competition during the “Open Days” held in those schools from 10 to 13 hours, and learn first-hand about the life and work of cadets and pupils, and the conditions that the military schools offer.

- The mission of the Military Academy has always been the same - to provide highly-educated, competent, expert, morally steadfast and physically strong officers, who are ready to raise to all challenges set before them - Colonel Blagojević stressed.

- Our Military Academy stands shoulder to shoulder with all modern military academies of the world. We keep track of everything that takes place in the field of defence and security, and we modernise our programmes of study. The education at the Military Academy keeps up with the accelerated development of our armed forces, and on the basis of that, we are permanently reviewing our programmes of study and we advance them, but we also accredit new ones - the head of the Military Academy pointed out.
Speaking about the advantages of the education at military schools and explaining why they are a good choice for a young individual, Colonel Blagojević underlined the exceptional knowledge that the cadets and pupils acquire, and the opportunities for continuous professional advancement throughout the career and a secure job.

The fourth year cadets of the Military Academy Saša Šušnjar and Irena Koturović speak with satisfaction about their experiences and education at the Military Academy. They point out that the schooling at military schools is more challenging and interesting that the schooling in other schools, and that all obstacles can be successfully overcome with work, discipline and high motivation for the military calling.
As a former pupil of the Military Grammar School, and now a cadet of the Military Academy, I can honestly admit that I did not expect that so many friendships could be forged, and then developed during the schooling at military schools. Indeed, all the friendships that we cherish cannot be seen everywhere. We are oriented to each other, we always help one another, both through our schooling, and later during career and life - cadet Šušnjar explained.

He underlined that in Military Grammar School and Military Academy acquired theoretical knowledge is tested in practice making it clearer and easier to master, and later apply.
Reflecting on the challenges that she faced during her education, cadet Irena Koturović stressed that the “adaptation period” had been the greatest challenge for her since that had been her first contact with “military lifestyle”, but after that mostly nice moments came.
- Having in mind that I decided to enrol on Military Academy after graduating from civilian Grammar School, coming from civilian structures into military environment, where everything functions in a different way compared to what I had been used to, was a great challenge. However, everything can be achieved and everything is achieved through work, discipline and great motivation - cadet Koturović sad singling out as the most beautiful moments of the schooling joint training and field training during which they tested the acquired knowledge, and deepened their friendships and built the collective strength.

Head of the Military Academy Colonel Blagojević, and the fourth year cadets Saša and Irena invited the young who are thinking about military profession as their future profession to visit the military schools during the “Open Doors” and to look up information about the competition on Internet pages of the Ministry of Defence and military schools.
The competition for enrolment in military schools is open until 31th March 2024. Apply!